Low Insulin blood sugar friendly snacks are great to keep on hand. Toss in your car or purse when you’re on the go. Want to lower your A1C, lose weight & get healthier? Join my online class “Your 90 Day roadmap To a low carb sugar free life” I teach you how I reversed Prediabetes in only 90 days. You can too! Linked in my bio, start today! #reversediabetes #prediabetes #type2diabetes #type2diabetesreversal #lowinsulin #sugarfree
In 3 months I reversed Prediabetes simply by changing my diet, & I turned my A1C blood work from type 2 Prediabetes to a normal range. I get asked every day how to start low carb, i created an online course for you to understand in simple easy to follow videos how to achieve success. Even if you’re not Prediabetic, but want to gain control of the scale, learning my simple method to a low carb lifestyle can help. I’ve created “Your 90 Day Roadmap to a low carb life”. If you implement this program, you will for sure see benefits in your blood sugar response, your weight & your self esteem. You’ll gain valuable insight & learn how to live a successful low carb blood sugar balanced life. Tap the link in my bio and join “your 90 day roadmap to a low carb sugar free life” #lowera1c #lowcarb #reversediabetes #bloodsugarbalance #type2diabetic
This breakfast sandwich has 40g protein and 10g fiber! Low fat cottage cheese makes it easy to hit your protein goals and adding ground flax seed to anything will help you reach those important fiber goals!! Cottage cheese wrap 1 cup cottage cheese 2 Tbsp ground flax seed Seasoning of choice ( I used Everything but bagel seasoning) Blend, spread on baking sheet, bake 375 oven for 30 min or longer depending on how thick it is. Fill with your favorite sandwich filling. Tap link in my bio and join my low carb sugar free program. “Your 90 days to a low carb sugar free life” I teach you how I reversed Prediabetes so you can too! #highprotein #lowcarb #lowcarbhighprotein #highfiber #reversediabetes