Probably the only type of GRWM i’ll do 😂😂 martial arts style. I look wild at the start! Any questions please ask- kind and constructive as always please. #mayfamily
Quick update. Clark and cooper arent ill by the way- they have gone to school but the others are. Its just me and Reggie holding the fort! 🤣 better get myself to the pub asap!
Its declutter time 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Help me sort out my winter dresses/partywear wardrobe! Everything not kept will eventually make it to a vinted account. #mayfamily
Ok, right. I’ve been to the driving range about 4 times in my life and don’t get me wrong I know I’m rubbish but I feel like theres something there. Is this something i could be good at? New skill potential unlocked 🤔 might get myself some sneaky lessons! #mayfamily
Took Reggie into a cafe yesterday and he did so well! I got a coffee and treated him ti a sausage. The cafe only had 2 other people in it. So it was a orefect place to practise remaining calm and showing control. Love him ❤️
Join me at last nights karate session. We celebrated my sensei 51st year of training 🙌🏻my phone died so I got the warm up and some practice techniques. Gives you an idea of what the start of a session at our Hemel club looks like. If you are local and want to join- we are a friendly bunch 😊
Come and do a 1 minute plank with me - that actually turned into a 2 minite active plank!! 💪🏻 being strong is ny goal. I don’t really care how that looks on my body. #myfamily
Thank you so much for helping me declutter my party wear wardrobe for this season. Despite loving this dress i havent pickednit for an event for a few years now so it’s time for it to move to a new home. Il’l list it on vinted when we’ve chosen all the items to go! #mayfamily