Replying to @Sydd Day 1 of preparing my 5 year old for kindergarten this August! Educators feel free to chime in with any other suggestions for this series! #kindergarten #kindergartenprep #earlyeducation
we only worked privately with an SLP one on one for a few months before insurance screwed us over, but we learned so much! Eventually we took him to program that partnered with SLP graduate students at our local college that was also amazing! He’s now the chattiest 5 year old EVER🤣 #slp #speechtherapy #speechdelay
I’m a serial outfit repeater lmao!! I wonder what I paid for this dress back in 2019 🤣 was well worth it lol #youngmom #unplannedpregnancy #momsunder25
one of the best moments of my life 🥹 truly—nothing like seeing this after dreaming of itfor so long NOT AN ANNOUNCEMENT, OLD VIDEO#pregnancy #pregnancytest #positivepregnancytest #oldvideo #notpregnant
I’ve been using natural cycles for years but I could not for the life of me keep up while nursing and without my cycle back but getting back on track now!! #nfp #naturalfamilyplanning #ouraring #naturalcycles
bc there’s nothing worse than trying to get baby into a carrier when you are stressed, flustered and on high alert 😅 speaking from experience lol #babywearing #babywearinghacks #babywear #attachmentparenting #momhacks
If y’all tell me that it actually works I’ll try it out…G woke up at 6 AM on his own and I didn’t really have a choice in the matter😆 #sleepschedule #sleeptraining #babysleep #napschedule
The way I argued with my mom about installing blackout shades in her house (sorry mom) and when I reached out to the sleep training program we used (and failed at) for support they said it was probably because the room wasn’t dark enough 🤣 #sleeptraining #sleeptrain