Reaching into the air is a common end of life sign that de@th is approaching #hospicenurse #hospice #LearnOnTikTok #Education #learnoninstagram #visions #paranormal #spirits #ghosts #angels
I wish more medical providers would learn about hospice and be willing to discuss all of the details with patients! #hospicenurse #hospice #Education @Deb
CPR in the right situation can be life-saving, but is never appropriate for an already dying person #hospice #hospicenurse #cpr #donotresuscitate #fullcode #cprmachine
Replying to @Soonersgal “We live in our bodies we know when we’re dying” best insight ever by Barbara Karnes, the fsmous hospice nurse and author! #hospicenurse #education
By the time people go on hospice they are often taken handfuls of pills. We are happy to help them streamline their med regimen! #patientchoice #hospice #hospicenurse
As a hospice nurse is this past 20 years I have used pretty much every medication thought to help terminal secretions a.k.a. the Death rattle. Not only were they not helpful, they actually potentially cause more discomfort for the person by drying their mouth out. I have found by repositioning the patient with the head of the bed up and turning them onto their side. Those secretions were quiet right down. You have a thing that is important to remember is that it is just a noise caused by air moving over spit that has built up in their airway because they are no longer swallowing. it sounds terrible, but be assured the person is not going to drown. ##hospice##hospicenurse##education