parents wanted to see the lore behind the cosplay so we watched the episode together omg #cosplayer #cosplay #mylittlepony #mlp #twilightsparkle #twilightsparklecosplay #makeup #mlpcosplay
i lowkey hate using filters but it made my eyes scary white sooo sorry lol couldn’t see me rolling my eyes at the end tho ugh #twilightsparklcosplay #cosplay #mylittlepony #mlpinfection #mlpcosplay #cosplayer #twilightsparkle #makeup
posting with the contacts still in lmk if it’s a good video #twilightsparklemlp #mlpinfection #cosplay #cosplayer #twilightsparkle #mylittlepony #mlp #mlpcosplay #makeup
wanna get a full ghoulia cosplay but with my redesigns :3 #monsterhigh #ghouliayelps #cosplay #cosplayer #mhcosplay #monsterhighcosplay #ghouliayelpscosplay
this is not the worst example. the eyeliner is actually not bad but way out of character #shototodoroki #mhacosplay #cringe #todoroki #shototodorokicosplay #myheroacademia #cosplay