Please please please, followers, people who just happened to stumble upon this, please just share this video so that I can go viral. I can make really good money off of this one video and that will help so many families in Lebanon. And if you guys need, I can show proof of it on my Instagram stories. I never ask for help and I never ask for money but this is the way that you guys can help me without even sending a single penny. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lets see how long this will stay up. 🤷🏻♀️ Did you notice how the cake board isn’t cleaned and the cake is ugly? That’s because I spent zero time on it. And yes, I am shaking, I got news that they bombed a Red Cross center and a family member was killed. I personally don’t know a lot of my relatives but that doesn’t mean that my parents don’t. They are devastated this morning.
Switching to halal fondant (even though technically it was halal to me but this is to cater to everyone) ❤️ #Fondant #Halalfondant #EdibleArt #CakeArt #HowToMakeFondant
Please let’s be respectful of each other’s beliefs and cultural differences. #CakeCakeCake #CakeArt #EdibleArt #FillingAndIcingACake #HowToFillACake #HowToIssa #CakeDecor.
I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t want to eat Halal meat if given the option. But whatever, to each their own I guess. #HalalMeat #VintageCake #Vintage #CakeCakeCake #Buttercream #HowToDecorateACake #HowToDecorateavintagecake
I remember this happening in my old house so it had to have been about 10 to 11 years ago. I highly doubt she will see this video. I am posting because I post a lot of different situations in which other bakers can learn. I wish somebody posted about this stuff so that I could have learned from them instead of learning the hard way. But now I know what Not to do next time something similar happens. And I did learn because in the future after that incident, I ended up getting two more cakes in which customers of mine asked me to fix. But I never posted about them. So, lesson learned. Yes I was in the wrong for posting it to begin with, but hopefully if another Baker sees this, they’ll learn not to do the same thing. Thank you. ##StorySaturday##BeCarefulWhatYouPost##HowToDecorateACake##GarfieldCake##CakeCakeCake##CakeArt##CakeCakeDecorating##Garfield##Buttercream##FondantArt##EdibleArt
Replying to @Kay I know it doesn’t seem like much but I just thought it was the sweetest thing because I already know how flustered a parent is doing a birthday party for their children so to have to take time and do one more thing on top of a busy day was just so kind of her. I’ll never forget it. #Halal #HalalMeat #DragonBallZ #DragonBallZCake #CakeCakeCake #CakeArt #EdibleArt #FondantArt #HowToDecorateACake #CakeDecorating
So if you didn’t catch it, it was just a joke. But if this is something that would throw you over the edge, you need to check your humanity. Yes, you have every right to be mad, but all you have to do is call the baker up and tell them what happened and find out the gender. Also, if you think about it, you have a funny story to tell for life. #GenderReveal #BabyShowerCake #BabyShower #CakeArt #EdibleArt #FondantArt #CakeCakeCake #HowToDecorateACake #HowToMakeAPumpkin #cakedecorating
It’s honestly very heartbreaking to have somebody message you and give you their last goodbye just in case. 💔💔💔 ##Brat##bratscake##bratcake##BarbieCake##Barbie
It is what it is, sometimes mistakes happen. But for the people who are going to be extremely negative about this, just keep in mind that I didn’t have to post this story. I didn’t have to tell you about the mistake that I made that makes me look bad, but this is a live and learn type of experience. And I know this is no excuse, but truly, truly when I say my mind has not been with me for the past month, I really mean it. It’s been with my Homeland and my family overseas since the start of this October. Especially after finding out that several of my immediate family members homes have been destroyed to rubble and also losing several family members. With that said though, I want to give a huge shout out to @ronzaqaimari_ for being so genuinely kind. She didn’t even want to tell me that this was the birthday girls cake because she felt bad that I made the mistake. 🙈🙈🥹🥹 and she was also so kind about the whole thing and so understanding. And I’m so glad that we were able to fix it together. I’m not always this fortunate when it comes to customers and how they will react. So I’m very grateful for her. I also want to give a huge shout out to the birthday girl herself. I don’t even know her, but I know she commented on her cake saying that she loved it. Now that I know that she didn’t even get to eat it, it makes me feel even worse. 😂😂🙈🙈 but don’t worry, I got cupcakes with fondant toppers, coming right up for you . ❤️❤️
These companies 😂😂🤦🏻♀️ toys? And it aligns with my audience. I don’t think so 😭😂😂 #pumpkinpatch #pumpkin #pumpkincake #cakedecorating #cakeart #edibleart #cakecakecake