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Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert  Тенденция данных (30 дней)

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Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
I’m not saying you should cram, but if you HAVE to cram, this is how you should do it 😉🧠💯✅ - THE BLURTING METHOD: 1️⃣ On a blank sheet of paper, write down EVERYTHING you can remember about the topic(s). * From memory only. * Do not look at your notes! 2️⃣ Compare what you’ve written down to your notes. Highlight the areas that you forgot. 3️⃣ Learn those areas. * Reread your notes, flashcards etc 4️⃣ Repeat until you can write down everything from memory! 5️⃣ If you have more time, try practice exam questions to REALLY set yourself up for success by learning to then apply your knowledge ✅ - #studyhacks #examtips #examready #exams #studytips #examseason #studytok
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
You’ll be OVER prepared for exams with this hack!! ✅🧠📚💯 - Timed Practice ✍🏼 Do practice exams under full exam conditions (eg without notes, complete silence, reading time if applicable and no breaks). After each exam, be sure to mark yourself. Be harsh, and follow the marking scheme closely. If you didn’t answer a question completely correct, deduct marks. For any mark you lost, learn WHY. Save the question and reattempt it later to ensure you remember how to answer correctly moving forward. This is one of the FASTEST, most EFFECTIVE ways to prepare for exams because: 1. It’s a form of active recall, which helps you memorise the content 2. You’ll learn how to APPLY the information rather than just rote learn, which is often what exam questions test you on 3. You can streamline your revision by focusing on high-yield content (as examiners tend to repeat questions/topics each year) 4. You’ll learn exactly what the examiner is looking for in the answers; when you mark your exams and compare what you’ve written to the marking guide - #examrevision #examseason #examready #examtips #studytips #studyhacks #studywithme
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
This study hack works miracles on your grades!! ✅🧠👩🏼‍🎓💯 - THE FEYNMAN TECHNIQUE 👩🏼‍🏫 1️⃣ Learn the content (eg. read through your textbook, write notes, watch YT videos) 2️⃣ Teach the subject to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic (e.g. a child, a friend, a family member, stuffed toys if desperate). Talk as MUCH as you want - the more the better!! Doing so will force you to simplify the content, use analogies and examples to better explain, and truly highly the areas YOU yourself don’t fully understand. It will also encourage you to commit the information to memory, as when you teach, you are saying things out loud, using body language, and fully engaging to convey your message. Extra points if you make a Presentation to go with it 💻 3️⃣ Revisit the areas that you got stuck on, and develop your understanding/better ways of explaining them. 🤔 4️⃣ Retry until perfect!! 🏆 Why does it work: This study technique will challenge you and force you to understand the content on the deepest level possible in a short amount of time. It’s perfect for those who tend to take longer to learn a concept, often because students like this need to REALLY understand all the “why’s” behind the concept. So by practising teaching the concept, you’ll get straight to where you need to be ✅✅ - #studyhacks #studytips #studytok #straightastudent #goodgrades #academiccomeback
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
The way my mind was BLOWN when I first tried this 🤯💯🧠👩🏼‍🎓 - #studytips #studyhacks #productivity #productivitytips #studentlife
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Ummm the way this helps you study is insane!! ✅🧠👩🏼‍🎓📚 - DOODLING 🖊️ Simply doodle whilst listening reading through material or listening to lectures. This will stimulate your brain just enough to stop distractions, but not too much that you won’t be able to take in the info 🧠 Make sure that you are “doodling” (ie mindless, random markings without an end goal) vs “drawing” (ie focused and attentive drawing to produce something deliberate). . SOURCES: https://www.opencolleges.edu.au/blog/2015/07/08/study-tips-awesome-ways-doodling-helps-you-learn/ http://pignottia.faculty.mjc.edu/math134/homework/doodlingCaseStudy.pdf https://www.cnet.com/health/doodling-can-help-you-pay-attention/ Please note: the evidence base for this study technique is very small. I suggest you use this in conjunction with other techniques like application or active recall for maximum results ✅ - #studytips #studyhacks #studytok #studymotivation #studentlife
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
I could study for hours & hours with this! 🏆✅ - FEYNMAN TECHNIQUE (with a twist) 👩🏼‍🏫 1️⃣ Teach the content to an imaginary audience: imagine you're explaining the concept to someone who has never learnt the subject before. To make it extra effective, use props (e.g., ppt presentations, diagrams, models). . 2️⃣ Record yourself giving the “lesson” and watch it back: this can be super helping in seeing where you stumble or need to work on your explanation/understanding more. Plus, watching it back adds another round of revision! . 3️⃣ Challenge yourself even further: after your first round of teaching, test yourself by simplifying your explanation even further (e.g. can you explain it in five sentences or less, can you explain it with only 2 syllables words max). This will really force you to understand the content. - #studytips #studyhacks #studymotivation #shorts #studywithme
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Don’t blame me if you start getting perfect grades after using these 😉✅💯🧠 - 1️⃣ Feynman Technique 👩🏼‍🏫 - learn the content (eg. read through your textbook, write notes, watch YT videos) then try to teach the subject to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic (e.g. a child, a friend, a family member, stuffed toys if desperate). Revisit the areas that you got stuck on, and develop your understanding/better ways of explaining them, and then retry until perfect!! . 2️⃣ Study Timelapse 📲 - film a Timelapse of yourself studying. This can be super motivating, because it provides you with a "main character" moment. You won't want to get distracted cause it’ll look bad, and you definitely can’t use your phone as it'll ruin the Timelapse!! . 3️⃣ Spaced Repetition 📆 - review content at regular, increasing intervals. For example: —> when you get home from school —> again that weekend —> the weekend after —> in a fortnight —> in a month —> in 3 months. This will help you REMEMBER the content much easier & for longer, overcoming the curve of forgetting. And when exams come around , you’ll have already committed all the info to memory! - #studyhacks #studytips #studysmart #studytok #studentlife #studymotivaton
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
The best & fastest exam revision strategies! 📚✅🧠👩🏼‍🎓 - THE TECHNIQUES: 1️⃣ Interleaving - instead of revising for one subject for an entire study session, switch between multple non-related subjects. For example, instead of 3 hours of Math, try 1 hour of Math, 1 hour of English, and 1 hour of Chemistry. Stick to the allocated time for each subject. You may need to prioritise & give more time to your weaker subjects, but always try to have a mix. This improves retention of information & exam performance (without need to study any longer), makes your sessions less tedious, and will ensure you prepare for all your exams, not just your preferred subjects 📚 . 2️⃣ Traffic Light Method - print out a copy of your syllabus/learning guide, then go through each dot point and colour code them based on your understanding: 🔴 Red - what you have NO idea about 🟠 Orange - what you are OK with, but need more work on 🟢 Green - what you know WELL, and don’t need to revise further . Focus on the Red topics first, then the Orange topics, until you can make them ALL green!! This will help you prioritise areas that need the most work, rather than wasting time going over what you already know 🚦 . 3️⃣ Application - do practice questions (textbook, past year exams, online resources) to learn how to understand APPLY content rather than simply rote learn it. This will help you gain a deep understanding of the content & be able to memorise it FAST ✍🏼 . 4️⃣ Timed Practice - do practice exams under full exam conditions (eg without notes, complete silence, reading time if applicable and no breaks). For any mark you lost, learn WHY. Save the question and reattempt it a few days later to ensure you remember how to answer correctly moving forward ⏰ - #examrevision #examready #studytips #studyhacks #examseason
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Learn to study smarter, and you’ll beat everyone who relies purely on “natural talent”! ✅💯🧠👩🏼‍🎓 - What is Active Study? 📝 These are study methods that force you to engage with the content, doing some sort of physical or mental process. 🤓 It leads to greater retention of info, understanding, and ability to apply theory! It also means that you can learn SO MUCH MORE in MUCH LESS time. ✅ Examples include: 🧠 Active Recall (e.g. Flashcards, Blurting, Application Questions) 🧠 Mind-Maps & Drawing Diagrams 🧠 Teaching The Material to Others 🧠 Loci Method 🧠 Practice Exams - #studyhacks #studyhack #studywithme #studytok #studysmarter
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
You’ll fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow after this! 🏋️‍♀️😴 - Exercise can significantly improve sleep, here’s how: 1️⃣ Regulation of Sleep-Wake Cycle (Circadian Rhythm): Physical activity can help synchronize your internal body clock, or circadian rhythm. Regular exercise, especially when done earlier in the day, can promote deeper sleep and help you fall asleep faster 👏🏽👏🏽 . 2️⃣ Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones like cortisol and increases the production of endorphins, which are natural mood elevators. This helps reduce feelings of anxiety and stress that can otherwise interfere with sleep 🧘🏼‍♀️ . 3️⃣ Increase in Sleep Duration and Quality: Studies have shown that moderate aerobic exercise (like walking, swimming, or cycling) leads to more time spent in deep, restorative sleep stages, particularly during the slow-wave and REM phases of sleep 😴 . 4️⃣ Reduction in Insomnia Symptoms: Consistent exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, has been shown to help those with chronic insomnia fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer 🌘 . Sources: * National Sleep Foundation: "Exercise and Sleep" * American Sleep Association: "How Exercise Can Improve Your Sleep" * Sleep Medicine Reviews (2010) . . This is not medixal advice. - #lifehacks #productivity #productivityhacks #worksmarternotharder #LifeHack #studytok #studentlife #studytips
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Warning - this is super addictive & fun ✅💯👩🏼‍🎓🧠 (also, please do not do dr*gs) - #studytips #studyhacks #studymotivation #studywithme #studentlife #students #studytok
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
I literally spent all weekend playing - oops, i mean “studying” - with this printer 🤣💯🧠👩🏼‍🎓 @KuromiKitty - [GIFTED] #studytok #studywithme #studymotivation #studytips #studyhacks #examready #examseason
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
You’ll never forget anything again! 📗✅🧠👩🏼‍🎓 - #studytips #studyhacks #studytok #memorytraining #memoryhacks #studentlife
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
You’ll be able to do it ALL and still get Straight As ✅🧠📆📝 - THE TECHNIQUES: 1️⃣ Time Blocking - at the start of each day, plan out exactly what you’re going to do each day and WHEN. This applies to your entire day, but especially to your study sessions. By assigning a limited amount of time to each task, you’ll give yourself a sense of urgency, helping you complete the task faster. It will also help you prioritise, and avoid decision fatigue. For example: 5-6:30am Gym 7-8am Get ready & have breakfast 8-9am Collect quotes for English Exam 9-11:30am Math Practice Exam 11:30-12pm Mark Practice Exam etc 📝 . 2️⃣ Practice Questions - do practice questions from the textbook, past exams or even from the internet. These are the best way to learn and apply information, making it much easier to remember in the long term and also preparing you for exams! Meaning you have to do less over time 🧠 . 3️⃣ Spaced Repetition - revise content at regular increasing intervals to remember it better. For example, once when you get home from school, then again that weekend, the next weekend, the next fortnight, the next month etc The beauty of Spaced Repetition is that you only need to go over your notes briefly each time. Say 15-20mins. And as a result it will save you so so much time when it comes to exams because you won’t have to relearn/revise the content. Combine it with active recall to make to even more effective 📆 . 4️⃣ Eisenhower Matrix - divide your tasks into four categories based on urgency & importance, as in the table shown in the video (take a screenshot for reference or google “Eisenhower Matrix” for a larger pic). 🔴‼️ IMPORTANT & URGENT tasks = the tasks you'll do first 🔴❕IMPORTANT & NOT urgent tasks = the tasks you'll schedule for later in the day or week ⚪️‼️ NOT important & URGENT = the tasks you'll delegate to someone else who could help ⚪️❕NOT important & NOT urgent = the tasks you'll very kindly decline responsibility for 🔢 - #studytips #studyhacks #productivity #productivityhacks #studysmart
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Study LESS, remember MORE, score HIGHER ✍🏼🧠💯✅ - #studytips #studyhacks #studymotivation #examtips #examready #studytok
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Get better grades with less time studying! ✅💯🧠👩🏼‍🎓 - THE TECHNIQUES: 1️⃣ Active Recall - retrieve information when prompted without reading/looking at your notes (eg Flashcards, Blurting, Practice Questions), to force your brain to retain the information for next time, allowing you to remember and learn FASTER 🧠 . 2️⃣ Feynman Technique - learn the content, then teach it to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic (e.g. a child). Even better if you create a presentation & use analogies/diagrams/examples. This is by far the best and FASTEST way to learn content on a deeper level 👩🏼‍🏫 . 3️⃣ SQ3R - actively engage with anything you read using the following steps: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. Creating your own questions that you then answer when reading through the text makes it more engaging and memorable 🤓 . 4️⃣ Spaced Repetition - review content at regular, increasing intervals. For example: —> when you get home from school —> again that weekend —> the weekend after —> in a fortnight —> in a month —> in 3 months. This will help you REMEMBER the content much easier & for longer, overcoming the curve of forgetting 📆 . 5️⃣ Following Me - I post FREE study tips and study motivation daily!! Following me will ensure the videos come up on your feed, so you can learn whilst scrolling 🥰🥰 - #studytips #studyhacks #studytok #student #studentlife #studymotivation #burnoutrecovery
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Make people think you have a photographic memory!! ✅💯🧠👩🏼‍🎓 - #studytips #studyhacks #studentlife #students #memorytraining #memory
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
The greatest comeback of all time is yours! 🧠✅👩🏼‍🎓💯 - WHAT TO DO: 1️⃣ Hard Reset 🖲️ - pull the plug and restart. This means taking some time off from studying entirely. At least a weekend, maybe even a whole week. During this time, do whatever you want to do without feeling guilty. Rot, see your friends, eat delicious food etc etc On the last day or last hour, start thinking about what you want your life to look like. Create a Pinterest board, set some SMART goals, or even ask ChatGPT to describe a day in your ideal life. This will help you leave everything behind, and get into the mindset you need for the upcoming comeback. . 2️⃣ Second Brain 🧠 - start using technology to organise your life & manage the information thrown at you you, so that you can focus on important things like study, without being overwhelmed. For example, use a Calendar to keep track of events and due dates for assignments, use a To-Do list to track tasks and use the notes App to write down anything that you might have to remind yourself of later. . 3️⃣ Active Recall 🤔 - this is one of the best study techniques that will help you improve your grades FAST. It is anything that requires you to retrieve information when prompted, without reading/looking at your notes. In doing so, you train your brain to memorise the information in anticipation for the next time it is asked to recall, resulting in much more EFFECTIVE learning & retention. Examples include: Flashcards, Blurting, Practice Questions. . 4️⃣ Study Planning ✍🏼 - plan out your study sessions before you start, or even plan out your week beforehand. This will help you prioritise what you need to do, and stop you from feeling overwhelmed or distracted by worrying about how much you have to do (as you know you’ll have planned out time to do it). If you allocate a set amount of time for each task, you’ll also push yourself to get things done faster, as you’ll be working against the clock, providing a sense of urgency. - #burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #studentwellbeing #mentalhealthmatters
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